Pink Roses Baby Shower Invite Template
Are you hosting a baby shower in winter? Invite your guests in style with this gorgeous winter floral baby shower invite with pink roses and pine cones. The invite with winter bouquet will amaze all of your guests.
This pink roses baby shower invite template is editable in Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download). After downloading the file, fill in your details and print in just minutes. We’ve included our detailed instruction guide to make the process super smooth.
Print the invitations on any 5″ x 7″, A5, 8.5″ x 11″ or A4 paper of your choice. A heavy card stock is recommended to give it that high quality look and feel. And if you don’t like the hassle of printing the invitations yourself, order them from a local or online print shop. Or you can even skip the whole printing process by using the included evite template. More than enough options to choose from, we’d say!
Not sure if a printable template is right for you? Try it out first with our FREE sample template and decide if you are up for it!
This listing includes a zip file with the following items:
• 1 Editable PDF sized 8.5” x 11” with trim marks for twice the 5” x 7” design
• 1 Editable PDF sized 5” x 7” to print or to use as evite
• A download link to our instruction guide
Celebrate the arrival of the little baby and WOW everyone with this pink roses baby shower invitation!